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How to pay for Newcastle transport


Tap and ride on all Newcastle transport with your Visa Credit or Debit card.

With the launch of Newcastle Light Rail and recent updates to payment options on transport services, getting around the city is simple.

Don’t stress if you don’t have an Opal card or have forgotten to top up. A Visa Debit or credit card can now be used to ‘tap on’ and ‘tap off’ on buses and ferries in addition to trains and light rail in Newcastle.

How it works?

Similar to an Opal card, a Newcastle Permanent Visa Debit or credit card can be used to pay your fare by simply tapping on and tapping off at Opal readers. Just look for the contactless symbol on your card. You’ll pay the same Adult (peak) Opal fare as you would have paid with an Opal card, and will still qualify for any daily, weekly and Sunday travel caps (if you consistently use the same card).

When you tap your Visa card, a $1.00 authorisation1 for each journey will appear on your account. This authorisation will be removed after a couple of days and replaced with the full fare as charged by Transport NSW. Each trip appears as a separate item on your statement.

When to use it?

Your Newcastle Permanent Visa card can be used in place of an Adult Opal card whenever you are travelling on buses, ferries, trains, light rail and Sydney Ferries. This can come in handy if you don’t have an Opal card, want to make more room in your wallet, or on those occasions when you may have forgotten to top up your Opal card.

While your Visa card is a convenient alternative to an Opal card, it is important to remember you will be charged the standard (peak) Adult Opal fare for any trip you pay for with your Visa card. So if you are eligible for a Gold Senior/Pensioner, Child/Youth or Concession fare, you’ll still be charged the full adult fare, so you may wish to stick to an Opal card for now.

1. Charges current as at publish date, for current information always check https://transportnsw.info/tickets-opal/opal/contactless-payments.
This article is intended to provide general information of an educational nature only. This information has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Therefore, before acting on this information, you should consider its appropriateness having regard to these matters and the product terms and conditions. Information in this article is current as at the date of publication. Terms, conditions, fees, charges and credit criteria apply.

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