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Know and protect your credit file

Changes to Credit Reporting

Your credit file (including your credit score) is used by credit providers to help them decide whether to lend you money and how much. It’s important to protect your credit file by ensuring you make payments on time, including your regular bills. Defaults and late payments can have a negative impact on your credit file and score.

To help ensure you manage your payments you can set up periodic or future-dated payments in Internet Banking. Here you can find more information.

From July 2018 Newcastle Permanent will be participating in an expanded credit reporting system, known as Comprehensive Credit Reporting (CCR), resulting from changes made by the Australia Government to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). These changes allow us to receive additional information about our customer’s credit history, to make a more balanced and accurate assessment of their ability to repay a loan.

You can find out more about CCR at the Australian Retail Credit Association (ARCA) by visiting the CreditSmart website. Our frequently asked questions page also has more information.

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